Let there be some metallic flakes!
英文不好的同学就自己开google翻译吧 今天天冷 手冻木了不打字翻译了
It seems like CG artists always want to render cars, the amount of actual iray user scenes we get that are cars is remarkable. It’s like a fundamental constant of the universe. So if a renderer cannot do cars it’s useless for a German. Luckily iray is quite good at rendering cars… but of course there is always room for improvement.
For iray 2.0 we focused on the features of our internal material model a lot and it has become pretty powerful: it allows flexible layering of BSDFs. So creating a basic car paint becomes a relatively intuitive task. We start with diffuse base layer, mix in some glossy BRDF, and create a Fresnel-blended clearcoat layer on top of that, done, the simple carpaint is finished.
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沙发 好大一串米国文啊~ 学习中啊……………… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 英文的看不太懂! 看看学习下 来看看。。。 感謝辛苦分享 顶看看学习一下 头疼英语 nelogt 发表于 2011-11-9 16:50 static/image/common/back.gif
我也烦 呵呵~ 勉强看看英文吧···我这薄弱的英文啊 谢谢~学习~ 感谢LZ无私分享