Section Tools for Rhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0(建筑截面工具)下载
Dynamic 3D Sectioning and 2D Layouts for Rhino功能:Helps create sections that update with model changes.创建随模型变化更新的截面
Sections can create outline curves, solids and hatches. It also create updatable 2D layout of sections.截面能创建轮廓曲线、实体和排线。且可以生成随模型变化而更新的2d截面布局图
There are many utility function to move sections, load sections locations from external file, view sectioned models (clipping) and generate 2D outlines of sectioned 3D models.有移动截面、从外部文件载入截面、预览模型剖面、及生成模型剖面2d轮廓图等功能。
百度云附件:SectionTools 5.0(剖面工具).rar
vb好好好好好 是试用版还是免费版 qiongheng 发表于 2013-1-23 21:46 static/image/common/back.gif
免费的噢~ shirly 发表于 2013-1-24 10:28 static/image/common/back.gif
多谢多谢~~~~ 强烈支持楼主ing…… 免費的喔?因自己原來的以顯示 Out of date 了!
感謝 管理大大 分享。
:) toolbar怎么显示啊? 看到这帖子真是高兴! 好东东 强烈支持楼主ing…… 好插件 谢谢楼主的分享 咋就版本过低了?? 很好的软件。谢谢楼主 如果能回复的话,我必须感谢楼主!