SWIFT for rhino 4 sr8 犀牛建筑插件
Swift is an architectural parametric tool for Rhino3D. It targets matching cyclic-revolutionary design process, and facilitating modeling and documenting of architectural practicing, thereby architects’ working efficiency is improved hugely. Swift is mainly developed for Schematic Design and prophase of Design Development. Architects can deal with all of design issues – plan study, exterior design and interior design – in the same software and file. Swift is also highly automatic and parametric, based on analyzing and neatening complicated relationship in architectural design.
这个看起来比gh简单些,嘿嘿 我支持这个论坛、学习。 顶~学习一下 谢谢M大分享。。。支持 如果有教程就好了 好东西,想试
好像文件损坏了:(:( 谁给个简单教程啊!先谢了!!(云里雾里的)。 貌似看起来比GH简单点~~~ cannot find the file....... 谢谢M大分享。。。支持 多谢分享! 好东西啊:),谢谢楼主了 不知这个可不可以控制参数