Autodesk T-Splines Plug-in for Rhino v3.3 32位升级补丁首发
切勿用于商业用途,本人只是转帖,如果喜欢这个软件,建议购买正版软件Autodesk T-Splines v 3.3 for Rhino 终于发布更新
Autodesk T-Splines Plug-in for Rhino v3.3 is now available.
If you already own a T-Splines v3 license, this is a free upgrade. You can download the update here.
You can learn more about the new and improved features of this version in the Help file inside Autodesk T-Splines Plug-in for Rhino. Here are the highlights:
New features
tsRetopo will snap T-Splines control points to the closest mesh or polysurface in the scene, in the following commands: append, extrude, insert edge, insert point, subdivide face, bevel, and slide edges.
tsBevel Replaces selected edges with a channel of faces.
tsSlide Slides selected edges along neighboring edges
New selection commands: Select next loop, previous loop, Next U, Next V
tsUVEditor lets you edit the UV layout of textures applied to T-Splines and T-Spline render meshes.
tsExtractEdges: Extracts the selected edges from the T-Splines surface. Similar to the Rhino ExtractIsocurve command.
Improved features
tsAppend is greatly improved with new options and behavior
tsInsertEdge has a new option to let you specify an exact distance (along the control polygon) where the new edge will be inserted.
tsEditMode SetPivot now allows you to set the orientation of the manipulator along with its position
T-splines now work with Rhino’s CageEdit command
tsSkin has been completely rewritten
tsLoft has been completely rewritten
tSEditMode Heads-Up Display (HUD) now shows more icons and is docked by default.
The old v2 transluscent box HUD has been updated to work with new v3 items and is now called Text Viewport HUD.
When tsExtruding a face or an edge, you no longer need to undo twice to undo the movement and the extrusion. Just undo once! Note: when you extrude a curve, you will need to still undo twice.
tsSymmetry has more clear command line prompts
tsInsertPoint has more consistent selection
tsPipe has new diamond joints
tsPull now properly moves tangency handles when it moves vertices
tsBridge now has the proper handles to let you change the twist and direction of the bridge
下载链接:For Rhino 4:
For Rhino 5 32-bit:
For Rhino 5 64-bit:
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看看什么东西 但是公司的公司股改时 我就知道,跟Autodesk合并后,TS肯定不会放弃Rhino的 本帖最后由 simonchen 于 2012-2-13 16:14 编辑
等了很久~~和谐文件还没出!!!{:soso_e122:} kankan ............ :D看看................ 还在用2.2的。。 那我以前用的“随意”汉化的TS-3.2能用这个补丁吗 看看先~已经被Autodesk公司收购了么? 看看什么东西:lol for rhino ???
看下! ts转投autodesk啦!!:funk: ………………