[GH插件] Mesh(+) 网格细分
Mesh(+) is a set of user components which produce surface relief and pattern effects from mesh faces and curve loops using variable methods of subdivision and normal based three dimensional distortion.
Components come in several categories
[*]Iterative face based effects
[*]New meshes from curves using basic operations
Mesh Face Based
[*]Relief effects on each face of a mesh
Mesh Vertex Based
[*]Face subdivisions that stay of the plane of the orignal face
Mesh Volume Based
[*]Span between two meshes creating differing methods of connection and approximations of tripoly periodic surfaces
Mesh Weave
[*]Redfine mesh faces by creating new non connectedinterlinking or interwoven meshes
[*]Modifies the topology of a mesh
nGon Face Based
[*]Relief effects on point lists
nGon Vertex Based
[*]Mesh loops from list of points
nGon Volume Based
[*]Span betweem two lists of points creating differing methods of connection and approximations of tripoly periodic surfaces
[*]Returns of visualizes information from mesh
This project is still under development, so please report any bugs, discrepencies, or suggestions for improvements.Effects were developed to work with smoothing operations from subdivision components in Weaverbird.For additional mesh functionality, mesh tools by UTO provides excellent welding and normal unification components
Grasshopper Project PageProject Home PageTo install:
[*]In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > User Object folder.
[*]Copy User Objects into folder
[*]Alternately, drag user objects onto Grasshopper canvas
- David Mans
感觉用这插件电脑会卡爆了 插件怎么装啊老师 这插件应该很适用生物建模之类的。。。 新手学习,多多指教 大谢 Mesh(+) 网格细分 谢谢分享 :handshake 顶顶顶!!!楼主威武! 复杂网格转nurbs应该怎么优化网格,不优化的网格转成nurbs电脑会非常卡,感觉复杂网格转nurbs也会和我们用的精简面有相通的道理。 花红类 发表于 2017-4-16 21:39
复杂网格转nurbs应该怎么优化网格,不优化的网格转成nurbs电脑会非常卡,感觉复杂网格转nurbs也会和我们用 ...
谢谢M大:) thank you