VisualARQ 1.8 下载
VisualARQ 1.8 下载
[*]VisualARQ for Rhinoceros 4.0
[*]VisualARQ for Rhinoceros 5.0 (32-bit)
[*]VisualARQ for Rhinoceros 5.0 (64-bit)
VisualARQ 1.8 (Jun-4, 2014)New features:
[*]New curtain wall object. (Video)
[*]New tag object.
[*]New plan view object.
[*]New improved level manager. (Video)
[*]Zoo 5 floating licenses support.
[*]Section attributes for VisualARQ and Rhino objects. (Video)
[*]More door, window, opening, stair, wall, and space styles.
[*]Added AISC and European standard beam styles in imperial and metric templates.
[*]Walls can be extended to more than one object in both top and bottom directions.
[*]Tables can be sorted by one or more fields.
[*]Help has been translated to German, Spanish, French, and Italian.
[*]Texture mapping can be applied to VisualARQ objects (requires Rhinoceros 5 SR6).
[*]Wall layers are also represented in 3D and in section views.
[*]Materials can be applied to each wall layer.
[*]VisualARQ objects can be part of a block definition.
[*]VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: added support for style creation.
[*]VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: added space and curtain wall object.
[*]Tangent edges between similar parts of VisualARQ objects are drawn as isocurves, resulting in a clean display.
[*]Added “feet” unit system in vaStylesExport command.
[*]License mode can be changed without reinstalling.
[*]IFC exported files are better supported by ArchiCAD, Tekla, Solibri and Revit.
[*]Improved and faster section and plan views.
[*]Text size for section and plan views is not 0.5.
[*]Current level is now marked with a bold font in the Level Manager.
[*]“Schedule Table” renamed to “Table”.
[*]“Section Mark” renamed to “Section”.
[*]“Wall Component” renamed to “Wall Layer”.
[*]“Width” renamed to “Thickness” in some cases.
[*]vaStairClearanceContour command added to menu.
[*]Coating is also drawn in preview mode when inserting new columns.
[*]Plan viewports in wireframe display mode can be printed as a vector output (requires Rhinoceros 5 SR6).
[*]Plan and section views have an option to turn off automatic updates.
[*]If no folder is specified when exporting styles in a .VAL library, the file is saved to a desktop folder.
[*]If a door or window is created from a rectangular or circular curve, a parametric profile is used instead of a custom profile.
[*]Objects are linked to levels when exported to IFC.
[*]Added “Type” property of VisualARQ objects in the Properties panel.
[*]Added vaWallReverse command to the toolbar.
[*]vaWallUnextend command is now a command option of vaWallExtend command.
[*]Added all Rhino default linetypes to VisualARQ templates.
[*]Czech translation has been removed due to lack of maintenance.
[*]Door and window elevation is now absolute, and not relative to the wall were they are inserted.
[*]Window glass muntins were not correctly positioned.
[*]Slab thickness can be modified from the properties panel.
[*]Doors and windows can be moved vertically by using the Move command or by dragging the object.
[*]Levels (floors) can be hidden in 3D views.
Fixed bugs:
[*]Plan viewports are updated when level cut plane elevation is changed.
[*]Case changes can be done to style names.
[*]Curves with overlapped boundaries with object boundaries can be added to vaSlabAdd and vaRoofAdd commands.
[*]Beams and columns couldn’t be created in some documents with a millimeter unit system.
[*]Doors and windows on walls with an added solid were not exported correctly.
[*]Fixed a crash bug when extending a wall to a stair.
[*]Column coating display color was not updated automatically.
[*]If the license becomes invalid after upgrading Windows, VisualARQ data is not lost when saving the document.
[*]Fixed a crash bug when editing document dimension styles.
[*]When a shed roof was copied, the slope became inverted.
[*]Fixed a bug in the stair slab representation.
[*]Some leaves were missing in doors and windows with a custom profile.
[*]Custom profiles were scaled when selected as a railing post or railing rail profile.
[*]Some snap midpoints were not detected in VisualARQ objects.
[*]Fixed a bug in beams with a negative roll value.
[*]Walls with and arc path were not exported correctly in IFC.
[*]Fixed a bug in riser slabs of balanced stairs.
[*]Fixed a crash bug when importing a SketchUp model (.SKP).
[*]Some windows were not cutted correctly in Dynamic Section.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused slab and roof styles to disappear from the document.
[*]Fixed a crash bug when generating a stair with invalid values.
[*]All beams were exported to IFC with 1 meter length.
[*]Snap points of VisualARQ objects didn’t work in detail views on layout pages.
[*]Fixed a compatibility crash bug between VisualARQ and RhinoBIM.
[*]Objects were displayed as selected when running ViewCaptureToFile if Dynamic Section was enabled.
[*]Walls couldn’t be extended to some slab objects.
[*]Documents with more than one building were not exported correctly to IFC.
[*]Custom profile doors and windows were not exported correctly to IFC.
[*]Extended walls were not exported correctly to IFC.
[*]Sometimes spaces were not shown is plan views.
[*]Some railing rail sections were not generated.
[*]Fixed “below cut plane” plan representation of windows.
[*]Fixed a bug when a wall has windows, doors and columns that remove all its geometry.
[*]Fixed a bug when changing the alignment of a railing with a non-planar path curve.
[*]It was not possible to hide the space text area border.
[*]View direction and projection was not changed when changing the current level.
[*]Space text was not occluded by walls in plan views.
[*]Section hatch was not generated in sections with a jog.
[*]Improved hip roof creation from complex curves.
[*]Hip roofs with square ends were not generated correctly.
[*]VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: all known bugs have been fixed.
[*]Fixed all known memory leaks.
Known bugs and limitations:
[*]Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
[*]Dynamic section doesn't work with block objects.
终于把幕墙加进来了,,,!!! 如果有xx版就更好了。。。 :'(下载学习 :sleepy:这个是收费插件
链接贴上来没有许可也是白搭,有何意义呢,倒不如把发布更新说明贴上来瞅瞅 有xx版就更好了。。。 非常感谢分享 真是难得给力的帖子啊 谢谢分享 这个插件建筑设计很有用 评估测试版 #在这里快速终于把幕墙加进来了,,,!!!回复#