EvoluteTools Lite for Rhino
EvoluteTools建兴是一个免费的犀牛插件允许直觉的设计应用多分辨panelizations网格建模和网格优化。 可以优化网格贴近参考表面、公平(平滑)polylines和其他几个目标。 没有任何附带条件:无限目,没有成本,没有专利。
Designing and optimising panel layouts made easy
EvoluteTools Lite is a free Rhino plugin allowing intuitive design of panelizations using multi-resolution mesh modeling and mesh optimization. Meshes can be optimized for closeness to a reference surface, fairness (smoothness) of its polylines and several other goals. No strings attached: unlimited mesh size, no cost and no patents.
[*]multi-resolution mesh modeling
[*]global and local subdivision rules
[*]specification of vertices as anchor/corner points
[*]mesh editing tools
[*]mesh optimization for:
[*]closeness to reference surfaces
[*]sphere packings
[*]hybrid meshes (mixtures of triangles, quads, pentagons, hexagons, ...)
[*]modeling and optimization of N-gon meshes (PolyMeshes)
[*]analysis modes:
[*]closeness to a reference object
[*]planarity of panels
[*]edge length distribution
插件 http://www.evolute.at/download/EvoluteTools_LITE.zip
英文帮助pdf http://dl.dbank.com/c0jcj2agyt
好东西。。。。 我装上了几个月了,就是不知道怎么用~ .......................... kankan 看看是用来做什么的 这个是个好东西~ 来晚了............ xuexi!!!!!!!!!!!!! 看看,看看,嘿嘿 呀 FZ 给点参考性的价值啊! 我还很想知道这些先进的东西你们是在那看到的啊??????? 这个怎么用啊?? 下下来看看 这个可以有