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发表于 2012-4-19 08:31:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A second generation 3D concrete printing is under development 建筑被3D打印的时代到了:)Modern Architecture is demanding new developments in construction manufacturing technology, a team at Loughborough University has been working on a 3D concrete printing project that could allow full scale building components to be 3D printed on-site to any design. Named Freeform Construction, the project gives architects a tremendous degree of design freedom and to industry it reduces waste and CO2 emissions compared to a conventional concrete form building.
In the process, concrete is deposited in layers very precisely from computer-generated instructions. Richard Buswell, a principal investigator on the project, said, "Anything is possible. We are working with a prototype, but within five years - with money and desire - there's no limit to what could be printed."

In 2010 a one-tonne reinforced concrete bench has been printed and a year later a two square meter "S"-curved panel is exhibited in the Building Centre.

This project was funded by EPSRC through the Innovative Manufacturing and Construction Research Centre at Loughborough University. Hyundai Engineering and Construction, Foster and Partners, and Buro Happold have been brought together as industrial partners to evaluate the commercial viability of the project.
Right now the project is developing new additive manufacturing processes capable of producing components in a build volume of up to 2m x 2.5m x 5m.
According to constructiondigital report, currently the team is moving the system from 3-axis gantry to 7-axis robotic arm in order to maximize the printing quality, speed and size. A second generation printing system is under development, and the team is confident that there is a bright future for this new wave of construction technologies.

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